While Hussen Calls For “Higher Refugee Numbers Every Single Year” Canadians Are Saying “NO”

Majority in survey say government should not be accepting more refugees.

Ahmed Hussen has said that he wants “higher refugee numbers every year,” and is pushing for the numbers to go up and up and up.

By doing so, Hussen is going against the will of the Canadian People.

A survey by Maru/Blue shows Canadians rejecting Hussen’s call for higher refugees.

57% of Canadians say Canada should not bring in more refugees, a clear majority rejecting what Hussen and the Trudeau Liberals are pushing for.

And before the elites try to spin those numbers and paint Canadians as ‘anti-immigrant,’ the survey shows that 76% want to do more to bring skilled workers into the country.

What this shows is that Canadians support the traditional immigration system we had, a system that was widely respected worldwide. In fact, the US government has been trying to shift their immigration system towards a more merit-based program like what was in place here.

However, the Trudeau Liberals are gutting that system, cutting the percentage of skilled workers and increasing the numbers of elderly relatives and refugees. It’s a simple reality that that type of immigration creates a higher burden on social welfare systems, while contributing less to the economy.

Some of the other key numbers from the poll show 64% saying illegal immigration is a serious problem in Canada, 56% say bringing in too many immigrants will change Canada, and 24% say that “too many immigrants are visible minorities.” Notably, the percentage of visible minorities who say there are “too many visible minority immigrants” is identical to the number of non-visible minorities who say that.

The overall message of these polls is that Canadians want to go back to the immigration system we used to have, and are totally rejecting the effort by Hussen and the Liberals to break that system apart.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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