In Letter, Scheer Promises Stable Health & Social Funding

The Conservative Leader sent the letter to Canadian Premiers.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has sent a letter to all Canadian Premiers, promising that he will “maintain and increase” healthcare funding and social program funding.

The move comes as the Liberals try tying Scheer to the Ford Government in Ontario, raising the specter of spending cuts.

Scheer’s letter is thus a defensive move designed to insulate himself from those Liberal attacks.

You can read the letter below:

“I know how important stable federal funding is to ensure quality public health care and social programs. That’s why today I sent a letter to every Premier guaranteeing that, as Prime Minister, I will maintain and increase the Canada Health Transfer and the Canada Social Transfer.”

Scheer Letter

The Liberals will obviously ignore this and accuse Scheer of planning cuts anyway, because fear and smear is all that Trudeau has left at this point.

Still, Scheer will be able to credibly point to this letter and say with some justification that there is no evidence to accuse him of planning cuts.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter