Timing Of English Language Debate Is An Insult To Western Canada

Why schedule the debate for a time when so many people in the West won’t be able to watch it?

The Debates Commission appointed by the Trudeau Liberal government has had months and months to prepare for the English Language debate.

So, any perceived ‘mistake’ has to have been planned ahead of time.

That’s why the timing of the debate is such an insult to Western Canadians.

The debate starts at 7 eastern time, so it’s at 6 pm for Manitobans, 5 pm for people in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and 4 pm for people in BC.

As a result, many people in the West won’t even be home from work by the time the debate begins.

In short, it’s timed to be perfect for Eastern Canada, and totally inconvenient for Western Canada.

If the debate was instead later in the evening, say 8:30 pm or 9:00 pm eastern time, it would work for a much wider swath of the country.

And considering that we are talking about a federal debate, with implications for all Canadians, shouldn’t it be happening at a time when all Canadians can watch easily?

This is a total insult to the West, and shows the contempt the Trudeau Liberals and the elites have for Western Canadians, even as the elites are glad to take billions in wealth away from the West every year.

Instead of being a moment that could have brought Canadians together watching a common event, the timing of the debate will only deepen the rise of Western Alienation.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube