Jerry Dias Runs Attack Ad Against Erin O’Toole

O’Toole says he’ll cancel Trudeau’s media bailout.

Unifor union boss Jerry Dias is running attack ads against Conservative leadership candidate Erin O’Toole.

Hilariously, in the ad running on social media, Dias says O’Toole would “barely rank,” as someone who would be Dias’ worst nightmare.

Yet, the ad is being paid for by Unifor, showing Dias is worried enough to spend money (taken from many good union members who probably don’t want to be supporting political causes) attacking O’Toole.

That’s quite a funny combo, paying for an ad attacking a guy saying you aren’t worried about.

And it didn’t take long for O’Toole to respond:

“Look who’s running attack ads against me—media union boss Jerry Dias.

He’s right to be worried.

If I’m PM, I’ll cancel Trudeau’s media bailout. Help me do it:”

O’Toole’s plan to end the Trudeau media bailout should be praised by all Conservatives, and all Canadians.

A country in which the media is beholden to government funding is a country where the free press is dead, and that must be reversed.

With Dias against him, O’Toole continues to be off to a strong start in his leadership campaign.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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