DIVIDING CANADA: Trudeau EXCLUDES Scheer From Crisis Talks, Further Tearing Canada Apart

The representative of the party that won the most votes wasn’t invited, while the Separatist Bloc was.

Justin Trudeau’s weakness is tearing Canada apart, as he hands our nation over to radical extremists.

Now, his hatred is tearing Canada apart as well.

As you and I know very well, Justin Trudeau only shows toughness when he’s attacking Conservative Canadians:

“The only time Trudeau shows even the smallest bit of toughness is when he demonizes and excludes Conservative Canadians. If you’re a Conservative Canadian, Justin Trudeau hates you and wants you excluded from our nation. Trudeau’s hateful attitude is breaking our country apart.”


And now, we are watching, in real-time, as Justin Trudeau makes clear that Conservatives are not part of his vision of Canada.

As the crisis caused by Trudeau’s weakness continues to spread, and illegal blockaders act with impunity, Trudeau is excluding the Conservatives from crisis talks:

“Mr. Scheer disqualified himself from constructive discussions with his unacceptable speech earlier today,” Justin Trudeau tells reporters re: Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer’s exclusion from PM’s meeting with other opposition leaders to discuss ongoing rail blockades. #cdnpoli”

With his disgusting actions, Trudeau is dividing Canada and tearing the country apart. He is now treating illegal blockaders and Bloc Separatists better than he treats millions of Conservative Canadians.

“Trudeau treats foreign-funded illegal blockaders and the Separatist Bloc far better than he treats Conservative Canadians. Given that obvious truth, how can anyone think Trudeau is actually loyal to Canada at this point?”


The reality is clear:

Trudeau hates millions of Canadians, he hates the rule of law, he hates Canadian history, and he hates the very idea of Canada as a unified nation. Now, he’s doing everything he can to tear it apart.

Spencer Fernando

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