Illegal Blockades Continue Spreading

Trudeau’s weakness has emboldened everyone who seeks to break the law and spread chaos.

There are more and more illegal blockades spreading across Canada.

While one illegal blockade was brought down near Brampton, others have since sprung up.

There’s an illegal blockade at the Port of Vancouver.

And now, railway tracks in Hamilton are being illegally blockaded.

After police served an injunction to the blockaders, meaning the blockade is illegal.

The blockaders burned it:

The illegal blockade remains up.

This is a clear result of the fact that Justin Trudeau has fully revealed himself as lacking any strength whatsoever.

He attacked and demonized Andrew Scheer for calling for the blockades to end, only to then take that same position days later.

Yet, nobody believes Trudeau will take action, making people feel they can simply conduct more and more illegal blockades.

Notably, Trudeau could easily push for legislation brought in to toughen penalties for illegal blockades on key infrastructure, and could expand government security authority to deal with those illegal blockades.

But he’s refused, instead just mouthing some platitudes and letting the country further descend into chaos.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube