WATCH: Scheer Pushes Back Against Hajdu’s Mendacious Defence Of CCP Virus Numbers

Scheer makes clear that China cannot be trusted.

While Patty Hajdu is doubling-down on her disturbing and disgraceful defence of China’s obviously false Coronavirus infection & death numbers, Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is pushing back.

In a press conference, Scheer said China cannot be trusted, due to the fact that the Communist State stifles free discussion and oppresses their people:

“Conservative leader Andrew Scheer doubles down. “Any government that operates in an autocratic fashion, a communist government that denies basic human rights to its own people, that stifles dissent and squashes the free press should be distrusted.”

Scheer is 100% correct.

China cannot be trusted.

And the fact that Patty Hajdu continues to push CCP Propaganda should be deeply disturbing to all Canadians.

At a time when we need to be able to trust what our government is saying, Hajdu is spreading foreign propaganda, and destroying her already non-existent credibility.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter