Huawei Isn’t A Mask Manufacturing Company. Any ‘Donated’ Masks Are Really A Tool Of Influence For The CCP

To think there isn’t an expected quid pro quo here would be absurd.

With reports that Huawei is planning to ‘donate’ masks to Canada, the first question to ask is why the Chinese Communist Party is using Huawei as the sender.

The fact is that Huawei is a tech company controlled by the CCP. Huawei is not a mask manufacturer.

So, if Huawei is ‘donating’ masks, that really means the Chinese Communist Party is giving the masks to Huawei, and then instructing the company to give the masks to Canada.

That also means the CCP could simply have given the masks directly from the manufacturer.

As a result, this is clearly an influence attempt.

By directing the masks through Huawei, the CCP is clearly seeking to pressure Canada to give in on the 5G issue, allowing the dangerous CCP-controlled company to have control over our 5G networks.

The line will be “after Huawei donated masks to you during this crisis, how could you say no?”

This is why Canada must have the capacity to manufacture our own masks, rather than being reliant on a foreign authoritarian state.

Additionally, we should reject Huawei 5G now, and then see if those mask donations are still offered. That would make it clear whether this is a real offer, or – as is far more likely – an attempt to use a crisis that originated in China to push the political goals of the CCP.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube