Liberal Minister Says It’s ‘Not The Place For The WHO’ To Question China

Despite Canadians having totally turned against China, the Trudeau Liberals still can’t stop carrying water for the CCP.

In the latest example of the Liberals seemingly defending China, or at least defending institutions that have been corrupted by China, Liberal international development minister Karina Gould is saying it’s not the place of the World Health Organization to question China.

Gould was asked by reporter Vassy Kapelos if the WHO should be more skeptical of the information shared by China. This was her response:

“I’m not sure that that’s the place for the WHO, because the WHO is a product of its member states, and I think that each member state can push for openness and for transparency,” she said. “One of the things that we’re doing with the World Health Assembly this week is continuing to raise that issue … in terms of what we expect other member states to do in terms of providing information and data.”

Ironically, Gould’s comments contradict remarks made by Dr. David Naylor of the Canadian Coronavirus immunity task force.

“I think they were a little too deferential. They knew from SARS-1 that there had been problems with incomplete reporting,” said Dr. Naylor of the WHO’s attitude towards China.

Of course, the world knows that China’s data was inaccurate, and their cover-up allowed the virus to spread worldwide. Additionally, we know that China allowed international flights out of the virus epicenter in Wuhan, while banning flights from Wuhan to the rest of China, allowing the virus to be spread throughout the world.

We also know that China downplayed the virus while hoarding all of the world’s personal protective equipment.

Further, the Trudeau government repeatedly said they were following WHO advice, but that advice was based on data from China. So, if data from China can’t be trusted, then the WHO can’t be trusted.

And as we saw, the Liberals made a huge mistake by trusting the WHO, while countries like Taiwan, New Zealand, and Australia that took far stronger measures than the WHO advised all ended up doing far better.

The reality is that by following China & the WHO, the Trudeau government cost the lives of many Canadians, and continued weakness towards China will put even more Canadians at risk in a dangerous world.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube